The latest page speed update will impact your site

It important to remember that these changes are nothing new; it’s no secret that Google is constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience and deliver the best relevant content first. So before you send out a team email with the subject line Code Red All hands on deck or some other cheery colloquialism dig a little deeper and understand. What is the Speed Update? What you should note before delving into the latest algorithm updates is that site speed is already a ranking factor.

As early as Google emphasized that website

Speed directly affects website rankings Of course at  was more prominent than search on mobile so that was the focus. Fast forward to 2019 and Denmark Email List mobile searches account for the lion’s share of Google searches so it really shouldn’t be a shock that mobile page speed is now a ranking factor. Should you be worried about your rankings being affected by speed updates The honest answer is maybe.

Country Email List

The end of the last decade desktop search

Google has made it clear that their latest algorithm changes, rolling out over the summer, will only affect sites that currently offer the slowest experience to their users. If your website falls into this unfortunate and unflattering category there is no Kuwait Phone Number List need to panic as long as you make a few adjustments. My site is already pretty fast should I worry? If your site pages load pretty fast there is no need to worry making small tweaks won’t really change anything. But there a lot you can do if your site is a little slow. First remember that content is still king.

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