While this attention can be gratifying especially after starting out in obscurity it can also be a trap. Your moment of greatest risk is when things start moving forward. The key is to be disciplined. Listen to ideas and requests but don’t promise anything that isn’t directly related to revenue. The traction is great, the complexity and distractions are scary. The characteristics of the business that initially fueled growth may soon disappear. Avoid overly optimistic forecasts because you may know less about the business than you think. Everything takes longer than you think.
Getting things done at scale When your business
Just starting out you have a skeleton staff that can make decisions quickly, usually over casual conversations at the IKEA desk. As you grow you will need more hands to carry the load. In a mature company your colleagues Bermuda Email List may decide that things need to be aligned. Alignment This is a good point but a large part of the reason new ventures succeed is that they are fundamentally different from other activities.
How You Should Be Aligned and Different
The Same Time In the early days of a startup, people are more nervous and it’s easy to coordinate. However as expansion begins growth will require the support of a larger team who know in their bones what should be done and how to Cambodia Phone Number List do it and then do it. Just make sure everyone is working toward the same overall goal. As Geno Wakeman writes in Traction to Take Charge of Your Own Business If you meet with each employee individually and ask them what the company’s vision is you’re likely to get a range of different answers.